Tuesday, April 12, 2016

High School

It was two years ago that I graduated with my high school class during April of 2014. It's been quite some time since then and there's been a lot that's happened since, as I mentioned on my previous blog entry: 只有你

Of course, that wasn't the entire scope of how time has changed, that blog entry in particular just focused on one individual. 

I actually don't miss High School all that much, however, I do recall having many responsibilities and appointed roles throughout the school. . Certainly, it was a very hectic time and I didn't try to make it appear so, what difference would it make to present my well being to other students? 

Truth be told, at least in my own (honest) personal experience, most students didn't actually happen to care for one another to a significant extent. It didn't matter from the beginning if someone was dealing with a hard time or just happened to run into a dilemma, hardships, etc. Of course, if someone presented this openly and the sheep flocked together and said, "Are you okay, do you need someone to talk to?" 

Such a phrase is such a misleading formation of words, there's many faults with this and I'll carefully dissect it and other areas of concern: 
  • Misleading: The chances of this individual or group of people for that matter being "there" for you isn't likely at all. Of course, they will hear you because that's always all that individual can do in the moment, hear you out and try to interpret all that you're going through/areas of concern. Following that moment, they're either very likely to take the time to contemplate their options as a response or just make an 'automatic' response in a sense in order to make the effort to comfort or relate to you in the moment. In actuality the individual or group of people won't keep up the conversation for long, perhaps the 'bell' will ring for the next class at any rate and the 'saving grace' before you will go about their own life. . As that individual or group of people also have their own personal affairs that they will eventually have to attend to, nobody in High School is exempt from a constant act of adapting to their surroundings. 
  • White lies: There are simply too many lies being told from student to student, although the likelihood of any individual acknowledging their own blatant lie is slim to none. There's just too much exaggeration in the statements made, "we'll be friends, forever." for example is practically the most notable lie being told, especially during your Senior year when you're a moment away from graduating and on your way to college. In actuality if you aren't already split by choices of where to attend college, you'll meet new individuals one way or another and one of you will begin to travel another path. One that doesn't include your "friend forever" to accompany you along the journey. The fact of the matter is one individual will eventually just go about their own life, without you, for a variety of possible reasons that could make sense or just be nonsensical. Just be wary of what people are saying to you, especially if you're that of a gentle and fragile nature, friendships simply don't last too long once everyone enters the "real world" or adulthood for short. 
  • Friends: ah. . friends are quite nice to provide a mutual understanding of one another and where your relation lies, don't you think? Well, not always, especially the friends you encounter in High School. Don't expect too much even if you've got a lot of people surrounding you who have grown considerably close to you or acknowledge you on a daily basis by some form of encountering one another. Personally when I was in High School, especially during my Senior Year, I couldn't go around campus without someone who was: greeting me, intending to engage in a conversation or even intend to follow me around campus and introduce plans to hang out during a specified time. In retrospect, it doesn't matter from the starting point to the end point, chances are by the time you graduate you've already exhausted yourself to such an extent that can't be undone. Those individuals most likely won't appear before you following graduation unless you or the individual happen to consider one another considerably close, a huge majority will be focusing on another individual who they've considered much closer or a clique they've been together with since a specified period in High School. In actuality, as well my own personal experience, the whole process was quite underwhelming as I had just been more than ready to conclude my time in high school. There was very few friends that I made an effort to go meet up with for photos, one of which actually was in the next year's graduating class. If you're wondering, I did attend that individual's graduating ceremony the following year and took two polaroids, one for each of us. To this day, I am still considerably close to that individual and honestly couldn't more content with our friendship as whole. But, back to my graduation and the photos after it was concluded, there was many people who actually approached me for photos. I did end up being a part of many photo's because of this, although I hadn't planned on taking pictures with more than 2-3 people in actuality. To the present day, there's quite a bit of people who will message me or even approach me in public, although I don't make an effort with the exception of very few friendships. It's not that I'm intending to be rude or even decline the friendship of others, I simply (if you know me personally, you would know I always say this) don't play at friendship. I also don't acknowledge or spend the excess amount of time to attend to such people. In my experience, those who choose to play at friendship only to fulfill their desires are the absolute worst. Such a waste of time and indefinitely a shame when an individual is given an excessive amount of chances for their continuous chain of faults and lies. Be very wary of those you consider a friend in High School, as well come to an understanding of what the idea of a "friend" embodies in your own personal, unique opinion. Be vigilant of "friends" who'll take advantage of your humble, forgiving and overall selfless traits. If you aren't fond of someone for a legitimate reason, why continue you allowing them to sidetrack you from your own agenda? When it comes to "friends" I've got to emphasize one area of concern in particular that everyone can take note of. Again, this is from my personal experience so you're given choices to recycle my advice or not, do not continue a friendship if an individual has referenced you in any type of slander. As well, do not continue a friendship in which the individual continues to lie with any malicious intent, trust me on this one and save your time. 
Now if you've read all of what I've said up till now, don't fret, High School isn't all that bad. Of course it'll be a period when you'll experience and come to face with many conflicts and just have to continue adapting to make it to graduation. 

Allow yourself to enjoy the time spent, whether it's harnessing on mastering any of your hobbies, practicing an instrument or learning a language. The possibilities are endless, as well blogging is always an option, in which perhaps your personal experience can be displayed publicly to benefit others facing this period in their life. 

Ah, above all else do your homework whether you care for the subject or not, I personally didn't happen to have interest in any of my High School classes with the exception of a Piano class and Language class. The sooner, the better. . You'll have more to yourself, and specifically in High School you'll be physically and mentally in a much better state with more time to rest and calmly ponder your thoughts. Enjoy your time out with individuals you generally consider friends, don't continue accompanying an individual or group of people that you know won't be a part of your life by the end of High School. Save your money instead of going out for the purpose of being a part of a "group" which won't make a difference in any way shape or form. If anyone is bullying you, simply carry along with your day and completely disregard their opinion. In reality, if someone has to bully you then they're the one's who are suffering and looking for any means of coping with their inability to find resolve. Of course, there's limitations and areas of concern, never let it get to an extent where you're physically or mentally at any risk. 

Above all else, disregard everything and ask yourself, "is there anything right now that I want to change?" 

Of course, this could range from an endless amount of options: the friends you converse with or accompany, perhaps a very difficult class you would rather not take, a relationship, your appearance, etc. 

Never limit yourselves to the 'norm' in society, you're entitled to your own choices, success and faults of your own and how you choose to deal with it. There is nobody who should be making your choices or having complete influence of your actions or beliefs, embrace who you are stay true to yourself. I can assure you that by staying honest and following your heart, even if you're left with absolutely no friends or few friends, in the long run it'll bring you joy and prosperity. These days it's very easy to assume not having a friend is out of the norm, however, many very well just not be able to form any ideal friendships. 

Facts are not true. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016


I haven't blogged in quite some time, these days it's a focus on my 2nd blog - product reviews.

In conjunction, my YouTube channel has also been launched and I've made a few videos, I do intend to make more along with many other product reviews. . In due time, this semester, along with balancing my work life is a bit much.

. . does it really ever change, few months I decide to quit work and relax, then back to another job and saving up money until I grow tired and follow the same path.

begin here to read: 只有你 

Ah, here I was thinking that time and distance would make a difference, only you, managed to follow through with such choices in life. 

I write this wholeheartedly with a very minor chance of you ever reading this entry, however, whether such an event occurs or happens not to. . It's fine, either way. 

From social media to in person conversations and an alarming amount of media attention, I only happened to acknowledge by chance. It wasn't that of good or bad, rather of acceptance that such a case took place. I've yet to see a reason to heavily cast judgement, at the end of the day, I chose to continue with my daily routine. Granted, I did decide to ask of your well being, time of absence wasn't a factor to say the very least. It wouldn't have made a different if it were three or ten years, all that mattered was checking on your current status. 

What came next. . It wasn't so much alarming as it was to be expected, "I'm fine. . who's this?" the response said. Although, what happened after the message sent hadn't made any difference, the end result was already achieved at the start of the response. 

I didn't dwell into the past too much in a gloom state, rather I was very grateful and felt such a warmth like none other these days. 

There was so much that I hadn't properly thanked you for, isn't there? Instead of writing how I feel about this matter in particular, I'm sure you - only you, already happen to know where my thoughts happen to lie. 

It wasn't too long until everything had been forgotten, although another special occasion had come forth, don't you think?

It was another year that fell on this particular day, it wasn't anything that was alarming and prepping was completed a bit earlier, as well on the day of. 

It wasn't anything that was particularly special or worth noting, however, above all else the thought put into it reigned supreme. 

This year, unlike others, I wasn't expecting any form of acknowledgement or a message. I was convinced it wasn't necessary, as well that time had played a crucial role in this passing year in particular. 

I was right to assume this result, the days followed and perhaps the future had been foreseen in a sense. 

They mocked you for your past occurrence, turned against you as well even labeled you with harsh titles. I didn't put an input, rather just continued my life, as I'm sure you did since it's not worth an initial thought on the matter. . 

If i may say so, how much time has passed in such a haste manner, really. To think, just a prior blink the situation was far more different, although it started from another area of concern. 

I believe the last time we happened to see one another was by chance only, I didn't have anything to say that my expression hadn't already made clear. Looking back on it, such a brief glance of eye contact and silence could of been interpreted in another way, one that doesn't present the truth in that moment. 

There are memories, aren't there? Such that I can't even completely comprehend, that of unorthodox moments from the usual high school student life. 

The white flower has already made it's exit, has it not? 

Between the two of us, we've already made our count of 'mistakes' and 'sins' since our days in high school. "Innocent" is indefinitely a word that can longer apply to us, as we should be more than aware of. 

Although it's quite nice, isn't it? To think a flower could appear so pure and lively, immersing all before it in such a manner. 

Take a moment to glance at yourself in full, we've already managed to step out of the 'norm' with our body alterations, have we not?

But, you know, it doesn't matter in the slightest. .

It's still there before me, in fact my reflection is simply that of which has 'exited' 

In retrospect, 只有你 may very well not come across this and we'll both continue our daily lives. 

"I hope you're doing well" hadn't crossed my mind since that particular day, last month.

As I once said before, I have no interest in playing at 'friendship'

to you and 只有你, 
