Wednesday, January 6, 2016


. . the fifth day of the new year, I accidentally slept in for the entirety of the day, only to awake and get dressed up around 17:30. I was wearing my new Fitbit that I received during Christmas, which keeps track of how much I slept, after checking the app it said a total of over 11 hours. .

I took a cab to the Starbucks in my city that's on the other side from where I live, since this is the only one around here that doesn't close until 22:00. 

The weather has been very cold lately, as well it's been raining on and off today, there are many people driving and the city doesn't even resemble it's usual self. All the lights and the dreary weather, along with the Christmas tree still at my place has created quite a nice ambiance. It reminds me of the ride back from San Francisco, although not nearly the same. There are for more many drivers, far too many brightly lit lights to keep track of, it's a much better atmosphere all around. 

Ah. . really, it reminds me of the fact that I've only got one more year until I'm out of this area. It feels quite surreal that I'm going to have to apply once more to the colleges of my choice, although I only have one in mind. I'm quite certain that I'll be accepted too, despite the lack of a 4.0 GPA. 

How do i feel towards GPA, when someone asks me? Well, let me put it this, I'm currently listening to Got7' - If You Do. . 

Midway into the song, the lyrics state, "I don't care, just do whatever you want. It doesn't matter to me, I'll just go to sleep." 

The songs continues with . .

"Everyday. . Every night. . Feel like a fool. . You gotta know." 

At this moment, this couldn't describe my take on attending community college and GPA any better. There's a part of me that is completely aware of the fact that attending college is necessary, if not for this, why would I have bothered to attend K-12? 

All those late nights in high school too, granted it was my own fault for procrastinating so much. I can't really say all those nights studying, as I never really bothered to study with any subject aside from language. Meeting the basic requirements, in terms of classes and receiving at least a B or so isn't anything that I need to study over. 

I have to admit in my Fall 2015 semester, I procrastinated far too much, I was working nearly 40 hours a week and could barely find time to rest a bit. Overworked, certainly is the only word that can explain the fall semester, I even decided to quit my job around the end of the semester. 

Ah, I've got to eventually begin searching for a suitable job too. I actually don't really need the money to pay off monthly expenses, I've saved enough to cover that for about a year or so. However, if you aren't making money, you're most likely losing money. In this case, I don't mind losing a bit of money if that allows me time to study (major prep) until the time of transfer. It's quite an investment to study my major ahead of time, I would prefer not to be behind when I transfer to university. At the rate I'm currently going at, I shouldn't be behind by the time of transfer, I'll probably be ahead of those who didn't bother to sign up for major prep classes in cc. 

On another note, I'm patiently waiting for Lunar New Year, I also have good news in regards to LNY. Just like last year, I'm more than likely going to make a blog entry for LNY this year! 

If you haven't read my Lunar New Year 2015 blog entry and would like to, click here.

I was suppose to travel to New York around the Christmas time, although I decided not to do because I had spent too much of money for future investment. It certainly works and I'll be making more money then I started off with, likely a couple hundred dollars, the downfall in this is the wait time for potential buyers. 

On that note, I've always wanted to travel to China, Japan, as well Korea more than anyone could imagine. . Seriously, I'm sure many of you reading could 'feel me' as the adolescents say, in regards to the notion of traveling outside the country. 

All in due time though, patience is key when it comes to achieving such a colossal dream. The necessary steps before achieving those dreams will be quite a bit of time consumption, although more than necessary. 

I've got my dreams and aspirations just as any other person, in the meantime though, I've got to put in my best effort in the necessary fields. 

Let's do our best this year, I personally wish you all the absolute best in all your future endeavors.

With that in mind, I've also launched my YouTube channel and my first two videos are up now, check that out below.

Facebook: @thetaohyun
YouTube: @taohyun
Instagram: @taohyun
Twitter: @thetaohyun


Friday, January 1, 2016


Ah. . . Where do i even begin?

2015 has been so, so much. .

Through the good and bad, I've learned quite a bit, I'm certainly ecstatic for all that the new year will bring. . 

In 2015, I've decided to cut ties with a few "friends" and never looked back. I actually wrote quite a bit and went into detail about this, although as I was typing it, I chose to delete it since it wasn't worth having anyone read. 

In short, they just aren't relevant enough to be writing about in the year of 2016, apologies. 

I've also dealt with quite a series of unfortunate events, too much work hours. . moving out of my mother's house for a bit, car accident (someone backing up into me), etc. 

After finishing the fall semester, I was finally able to breathe a little bit. I hardly had anytime for myself, to even grasp my thoughts and take care of myself. Soon after, I decided to quit at my previous workplace, as it just wasn't a suitable fit for me anymore. I was overworked, far too overworked than ever before, it was only a natural solution for me. 

The countdown to Christmas was very memorable as well, I can easily recall listening to Christmas tunes and resting on the couch with Han. To clarify, Han is the kitten that I adopted midway into the fall semester. More than a kitten, I consider him my baby boy and have enjoyed the remainder of 2015 with him accompanying me.

There were plenty of times I found myself saying, "this is such a drag" in 2015, however, there were also many moments that I am quite grateful for. . 

I am very grateful for the close friends that I have, as well the time we've spent together and the memories that were made. Honestly, they say that "family comes first" as if it isn't possible for a friend to be considered family. I beg to differ wholeheartedly, although it may be unbelievably rare for some. . I assure you, it's more than possible. 

I could go on and on, although. . I'll save you that much and just blatantly state this. .

I am very grateful for all the continued support that I've received this year as a blogger. I will not allow any of it to be in vain and I'll strive to be the best blogger that I can possibly be. 

To all those who've supported me throughout the year. . Thank you, one couldn't possibly imagine the gravity of my gratitude towards all of you.