Wednesday, February 25, 2015


[anonymous] is an individual or group that has no real identity, because of this there's little to no chance that they can be identified. 

Anonymous, simply put. . believe that they're the most vicious entities out there, and quite likely have nothing better to do with their life.

It really is quite the pitiful sight, and honestly wasn't expecting it to appear so soon in my own blog. Alas, [2/24/15] i reached over 1000+ visitors, and immediately received various comments from my first 'Blog Hater' on almost each of my blog entries. I couldn't believe my eyes, and that's when the most unexpected thing happened. .

I couldn't stop laughing! 
I had finally been the target of Anonymous, and what course of action did i take?

Absolutely nothing, why would I even bother to reply or prove any point to Anonymous? I couldn't help but laugh because, well it was quite the funny sight. (愴 more like, lol)

I just can't help but 憐 much, honestly quite disappointing to see people behave in such manner. But i don't really mind too much, being envious of someone who has their priorities straight is common for Anonymous after all.

(sudden thought) i wonder how anonymous look at their face each waking morning, to see reflection of someone hiding behind a screen? no identity? no credibility?

There is nothing left to say. . *opens door* Just please , excuse yourself out of my blog and the sight of my visitors.

I won't repeat any of the cruel comments that were left behind on my blog entries, but if you would like to see them click here. I will eventually delete all the vile comments, so if you don't see them then you're a bit too late.
(note: Start with the first blog entry in January [Intro], and go down from there.)

In the past day my blog has had a dramatic amount of visitors, leading it to have the most visitors in a single day since the start of January.
According to my stats, I've had visitors from: United States, Singapore, India, Russia, Sweden, and Australia.

Hello, thank you for visiting my blog!

I'm fortunate to have received so much positive feedback recently, click here to see the most recent feedback. In addition to this, I had an individual commenting on one of my Instagram posts saying, "Diego I'm from Russia and I love your blog"

ps: [恭禧發財] has become the most viewed blog entry! All in a matter of one day, so astonished because for the longest time [Money] was the most popular blog entry.

until next time,


Saturday, February 21, 2015


Was heading to sleep the night before Lunar New Year and thought to myself,
at last. . I can truly rest at ease of mind.
note: I am not, and most likely will never be a morning person. lol

My schedule was as followed: I have one class at 11:00 AM - 12:20 AM, and work immediately following at 1:00 PM. It wasn't anything that I was necessarily looking forward to the night before, but I didn't bother to try and go against it. If anything, I was allowing all these circumstances to occur without trying to get around them.

The night before Lunar New Year, I had set several alarm reminders to awake around 7:00 AM. Being the person that I am, I wanted to keep sleeping and ignore responsibilities. But that wasn't the case, I brought myself to get up, ate my morning meal and vigorously cleaned my room to welcome the new year. I didn't intend to do it the morning of Lunar New Year, but as I've said in previous blog entries [ ] I've been a lot busier this semester. I showered and immediately head out to ABC bakery, I picked up quite a few items for my family's midnight dinner. It's quite humorous, I came back the house about twenty minutes before LNY was over. Since my mom was waiting for me to return, we ended up eating most the items from ABC Bakery.

Not too much cleaning because i'm already clean and organized, LNY morning filled with bliss.

Outside view of my room, sky was covered in a peaceful fog.

Drove out to ABC Bakery! Was so tired, goodness i'm getting old or something.

Simple menu, but quite delicious taste and flavor!

Thought I was only insane one to come early, but there was a line was waiting for me! 

Small bakery, but I don't mind at all.

Most of the goods were already sold out! Everyone purchasing to celebrate Lunar New Year as well.

White Lotus Egg Moon Cake! 

Sausage bun [HK Pastry], so-so delicious as always. My ma couldn't stop raving about it!

Pork Shumai! Lot's of known names for this actually, look it up and be surprised..

Picked up the bakery goods and arrived to school. . Class cancelled? Best LNY ever!

Since work cancelled, had time to try the brand new Dutch Bros! Grand opening 24 hour free small drinks, waited an hour in the drive thru lane.

Finally! One hour later I'm only near the menu, sigh.. 

I don't drink coffee, but there's plenty alternatives here!

Dutch Bros employees greeting customers in drive thru! The people to the left are in the walk in line, they seem cold. 

Free Strawberry Smoothie w/ whip! Delicious, anything free usually nice!

Got off work and showered at home, made another last minute Dutch Bros run! I mean, drinks are still completely free. Why not?

Strawberry soda w/ whip for free! Yum, but rather have the smoothie again..
Rushed back home and ended off LNY happily with food and Dutch Bros!
Oh forgot to mention, Dutch Bros in my area is the current hype and actually isn't too bad.
Quite likely going back again sometime soon, can't deny the smoothies are refreshing.
I really need to catch up on sleep, even now it's 1:15 AM and officially the third day!

Whether you celebrate Lunar New Year or not, I am still sending you best of wishes in the LNY. Wishing you good health, fortune and plenty of wealth! Be humble, stay prosperous.

Ps: This blog entry will likely (editing post when reaching 1000th visitor) hit the 1000th visitor on my blog since January! I am so grateful to each and every one of you, and cannot thank you all enough.

until next time,


Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I am dismissing the fact that it's 10:34 PM and that I'm running out of time to even begin my homework, along with any left over time for studying.

note: I have said this several times and will do so again, I don't believe in blogging just to reach a higher audience or simply add to my page views. I blog when there's an overwhelming desire and necessity to blog, and that desire has lead to this very moment. 

I have had a wonderful time this New Year, and am going to gladly celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year with prosperity and joy. However, this doesn't dismiss the fact that I've come across the light and the dark.
This 'dark' I speak of is human behavior: people believe their malice and dishonesty can be hidden through secrecy (gossip), and they reach a naive conclusion that anything hidden from an individual will succeed in their favor.


You aren't a Demigod, and quite honestly such a compelling and captivating title will never belong to you. It's disappointing to even see people attempt at being sneaky, please don't convince yourself that you are capable of doing so without being caught. Especially if you're going to continue befriending someone (at the time this is all occurring) please don't make it painstakingly obvious that you're full of lies.

If an individual chooses to wear a mask, let it be known: Believe it or not, if you can't maintain your sanity in the process: it'll shatter, and there'll only be scattered fragments leftover.

I've always been one to never use the term "friend" lightly, as a "friend" can easily become a stranger any other passing day. The gravity of time can't possibly be measured, and must not play a role in your decision to stop conversing with any individual. If you don't want to talk to someone, who's stopping you?

I believe one significant individual you can call a friend is more than enough.

I hope that anyone who reads this blog entry does so with an open mind, please don't assume that I have a negative outlook on life.

until next time,


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


. . *deep sigh*
I'm certain this entry was a long time in the making, but I mean it's never too bad to get matters off your mind. It wouldn't necessarily make any sense to build up too much tension, and cause a higher source for stress build up.

It's only my second official semester in college, and I'm currently enrolled at a community college. Since it's a community college district, I switch off between two community colleges every semester or so often. I have to because my major prep classes are only available at the one that's farther from my house, but for now I'm attending the college very close to my home. Through deductive reasoning, I'm sure you've come to the conclusion that as of now, I'm not enrolled in any major prep classes. It's true, because my major prep class isn't going to be offered until fall of 2015. Which means that in the meantime, despite saving a good amount of money on gas, I must complete 60 required units in order to transfer to a CSU (California State University)

Unfortunately, a majority of those transferable units that I must take are classes that don't interest me. I personally don't like college at this point in time, maybe it's because it's at my local community college? Could it be that it's because nothing but my major prep classes interest me? Maybe, I'm just a really lazy boy? lol, who can really say with absolute certainty.

All of the reasons given above are likely to be true, don't get me wrong though. It's not that I dislike or even dare I say, "hate" college. I personally can't wait to transfer when the time comes, but let's save that for another entry or a barrage of photos when I do transfer. It's just that by nature, I don't like the idea of being in "debt" or spending/wasting too much of my time. I'm far from debt at community college because of a couple grants, but especially because I work plenty part time on the side and make my own money. I don't mean to sound boastful, but I haven't depended on money from my parents since mid-high school. I had already been working at that time, and been paying for my own expenses with the exception of a few Senior trips. But once high school ended, I had only continued to live off my own money. Of course, my ma still makes me food and I live with her for now, but that should be a given. All other expenses I pay for myself, whether it be: College (tuition), gas, books, phone bill, car insurance, etc. I don't take too much pride in that, since I know overcoming adversity is done by many. I personally don't speak up about it unless I've been thoroughly interrogated, I say that because sometimes people really do ask questions as if it is one. It isn't pride that I take from it, it's a very secluded area in my mind that I hold honor in. Not for myself, but for my family that I'll hope to have in the future. My mother doesn't have to pay for me now, and I believe (in terms of myself, and my own way of living) that's how it should be. I've burdened her far enough for the past 17 years, and being a burden isn't how I want to live. I don't usually ask anyone for help, and I do attend to tasks by myself. It's just my nature, but again, completely sidetracked and we'll save it for another post.

All in all, I don't fond the idea of waking up at 7:30 AM for school and working plenty hours part time. It's a drag, and it was my own decisions that led up to this moment. But that's just it, I'm doing so because I owe my ma that much, and I want to obtain my degree (note: I am very fond of my major, and it'll also be quite nice for further blogging.) It's just really a drag, and I just can't wait to start my major prep classes, and then transfer to a CSU.

I really don't care to major in something that "makes a lot of money", as many of the people here in this state likely intend to do.
I don't care about the money, I want a career that I'm ecstatic to fulfill and eager to begin out of college. 
I'm sure as I continue to age, money will become a lot more essential lol. But as for now, I really only care to continue blogging and am more than happy with my life. If you've been an avid reader of my blog, you've probably already read my entry about Money and know how I feel about the topic.

Ah, now I truly feel 100% at ease and can continue my studies.
I truly hope this helps anyone undergoing stress or anyone who feels overwhelmed by school, do what makes you happy. I couldn't simplify it anymore if I could, just relieve your mind of worries and doubt.

ps: Since Valentine's day is coming up, here's a card from me to you.

until next time,
